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As of October 8 we will meet for Sunday morning worship and Wednesday night Bible study. We will have in-person worship on Sunday at 10:45 AM in the sanctuary. You can worship online by watching online on Facebook or YouTube. On Wednesdays, we will have large group ministry for adults, children, and youth, all beginning at 6:00 PM. Additionally, nursery and preschool ministry will be available during all gathering times. Please review the video below for information on our regathering.
Check out the videos below for updates from Pastor Matt.
Update: October 23, 2020
Update: September 22, 2020
Update: July 31, 2020
Update: June 2, 2020
Update: May 26, 2020
Update: Wednesday, April 29.
Update: Monday, April 6.
Update: Saturday, March 21.
Update: Wednesday, March 18.
Update: Tuesday, March 17
Update: Friday, March 13