9:15 am – Youth Small Groups meet in the Youth Room (205, above the Kitchen). We begin with about 20
minutes for Big Group announcements, activities, and a group challenge, then continue with real-life-
application Bible study.
10:45 am – Worship Service
5:15 pm – Wednesday Night Dinner
6:00-7:15 pm – Youth Bible Study (in the Youth Room). We meet as a Big Group on Wednesdays. We usually begin with a game or special group-building activity, flowing into a time of Praise and Worship. This sets us up for the Big Group teaching time where we bring to light God’s Word and apply it to our lives so that we might better know what we believe, why we believe it, how to put it into our own words, and to be encouraged to live it out in our own lives. We often close out the night with Small Groups where we divide up into leader-facilitated groups of 3-5 for discussion, application, and prayer for each other.
If you have any questions about our youth ministry, please contact Richard at