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“Women of the Bible: Eve”

First Baptist Church https://fbcbartow.org

When you think of the most famous women of all time, who comes to mind?

(show pictures) Maybe Oprah, or Madonna; perhaps the recently deceased Queen of England. Maybe Mother Theresa, Joan of Arc, or Cleopatra.

Perhaps the most famous would be Mary the mother of Jesus (we’ll talk about her later in this sermon series).

However, one of the most famous women of all time has to be Eve, the very first woman.

Today, as we begin a new sermon series called, “The Women of the Bible,” we’re going to start at the beginning by studying Eve.

Now, before the men in the room turn off their hearts and minds because we’re talking about the women of the Bible, let me remind you of two factors: first of all, we’re studying the Word of God; second, we all can learn some stuff from women. God has designed us so that we can all learn from one another and benefit from one another. Every person in this room, man, woman, and child, can learn from the study of women in the Bible.

So, join me now in prayer as we begin this sermon and this sermon series.


Let’s begin at the beginning.

In Genesis chapters 1 and 2, we learn that God created the world out of nothing. He created the earth, He created the animals, and He created man.

However, after God created all that, God said this in Genesis 2:18 “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper corresponding to him.”

So we learn that God created a woman from one of the ribs of the man.

This is how the man responded in Genesis 2:23, “This one, at last, is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh; this one will be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken from man.”

So, this is how women came into the world, and thank God that we have women in the world.

We know that there is more to the story, right?

The Bible tells us in

Genesis 3

that the man and the woman would go on to sin, starting with the serpent (the devil) deceiving the woman, and then the man choosing to sin also.

So, sin comes into the world through the man and the woman choosing to reject God’s way and go their own way; they disobeyed God’s plans in favor of their own plans.

After sin came into the world, Adam gave the name “Eve” to the woman.

We see sin take immediate effect on Adam and Eve and their future family. However, we also see redemption in this story.

So, let’s see what we can learn about Eve, the first woman.

First, we learn that . . .

‌I. Eve was a helper

Of course, the Lord Himself said (as we read earlier) that Adam needed a helper. The animals all had someone corresponding to them, but Adam had no one corresponding to him.

So, God created the woman to be a helper. The Hebrew word used for helper is ezer, which means someone who renders aid.

You know, sometimes people think that because Eve was called a “helper” she is somehow inferior to Adam. That’s not the case at all.

Although God clearly has a design for the relationship between a husband and a wife, the fact that Eve was created to be a helper doesn’t mean that she was somehow weaker or inferior. In fact, helpers are generally there because the other person needs help.

It was not good for Adam to be alone; he needed help! Men need help from their wives!

What’s more, the same word, ezer, is often used to refer to God Himself as the helper for His people. You better believe that God is not weak or inferior. He is the greatest and most powerful helper of all!

Jacki King says in her book, The Calling of Eve, “ . . . women are created for God’s purposes to work with and strengthen those we come alongside as we reflect the image of our Creator.”

So, when Eve was helping Adam, she came alongside Adam to work with and strengthen him; she served a similar function that God serves when He helps us.

Women, when you help your husbands by coming alongside them, you are helping as God helps.

Brothers and sisters, when we help each other in the church, or help those who are hurting or in need, we are helping as God, the Great Helper, does for His people.

First, we see Eve as a helper.

Second, . . .

‌II. Eve was a mother

Eve was the very first woman, and as such, she was the very first mother.

The name Eve is tricky in Hebrew, but most scholars believe that it is from the word that means “to live.” Therefore, Eve is viewed as the mother of all who are living.

In other words, all of us descended from Adam and Eve; she is the ancestral mother of all of us.

Eve was also the direct mother of several, including Cain, Abel, Seth, and more sons and daughters.

Eve knew what it was it like to parent children. She knew what is was like to watch them struggle with sin.

It’s also important to realize that motherhood is a good thing. Motherhood is part of God’s created order and mandate to humanity.

Before sin ever came into the world, part of God’s design was revealed to men and women when God said in Genesis 1:28, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it.”

So, biblical motherhood is commanded and it is good.

Now, I am well aware that some people are unable to bear children; I want to be sensitive to that reality.

I’m also well aware that God blesses some people with the supernatural gift of godly singleness.

However, generally speaking, women are called to motherhood within the design and command of God’s plan for humanity, and it all began with Eve.

Eve was a mother.

Next, we see that . . .

‌III. Eve was a sinner

Of course, we have the famous story in Genesis 3 of Adam and Eve eating from the tree that God said not to eat from.

We must remember, church, it was not about the tree, it was about disobedience to God.

Sin is when we reject God’s ways in order to go our own way.

By the way, Eve was not the only one responsible for sin in this situation.

In fact, the apostle Paul lays the curse on Adam in Romans 5:12 when he says, “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, in this way death spread to all people, because all sinned.”

So, Paul says that death came through one man because that one man (Adam) sinned. Furthermore, death came to all mankind because all of us sin.

Brothers and sisters, Eve was a sinner, so was Adam, and so were each and every one of us.

Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

Also, we must remember that with sin, comes death.

Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death . . .”

Eve knew that reality all too well, didn’t she?

She saw the wages of sin firsthand when her own son killed his brother.

I can’t imagine the horror of one of my children killing another one of my children. This terror was part of the wages of sin.

Eve experienced the horror and brokenness of sin because she played a part in bringing sin into the world.

Here’s the reality, church: all of us have contributed to the horrors of sin. Eve did, you did, and I did.

Eve was a sinner and so were we.

However, sin is not the end of the story. Aren’t you so glad about that? We see finally that . . .

‌IV. Eve was redeemed

Now, to be clear, there’s nothing in the Bible that says “Eve repented of her sin.” However, there are indicators that Adam and Eve were forgiven and restored into fellowship with the Lord. I’m going to share with you three ways that seem to indicate that Adam and Eve were redeemed.

First, we see that God made a sacrifice to cover Adam and Eve.

Genesis 3:21 says, “The Lord God made clothing from skins for the man and his wife, and he clothed them.”

You see, Adam and Eve were ashamed because of their sin; they realized for the first time that they were naked before the Lord. Sin revealed shame.

What did God do? God took the skins of animals, that He seemingly killed, and covered the shame of Adam and Eve.

This is an indicator of a sacrifice made by God to cover the shame of sin, and it’s a sign of what God would one day do when He sacrificed His own Son to cover the shame of sin for His people. We see redemption in the story of Eve.

Second, we see God’s blessing of Adam and Eve with Seth.

Remember, we saw the devastation of sin take place directly in Adam and Eve’s family, as their son Cain killed their son Abel.

However, God would provide another son for Adam and Eve, named Seth.

Listen to how Eve responds in Genesis 4:25. It says, “Adam was intimate with his wife again, and she gave birth to a son and named him Seth, for she said, ‘God has given me another offspring in place of Abel, since Cain killed him.’”

You see, a sign of God’s redemption for Adam and Eve was that He still loved them and He provided another son for them.

God would also demonstrate His love much later for others who had sinned by providing His own Son, Jesus.

We see redemption in the story of Eve.

Finally, we see God’s prophecy about the Redeemer who would come through the line of Eve.

After Adam and Eve sinned, God pronounced a curse upon Adam, upon Eve, and upon the serpent. These were not only curses, they were prophecies of what was to come.

Listen to what God says to the serpent in Genesis 3:15 “I will put hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.”

God indicates that there will be a lifelong battle between the devil and humanity. Then, God speaks of the offspring of Eve. God speaks of one whom Satan will strike, but this offspring will strike the head of Satan.

In case you haven’t caught on yet, let me help you. The line of Adam and Eve would continue for many, many generations. From their line would come many great biblical heroes. From Adam and Eve came, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joseph, King David, King Solomon, and many more. However, another offspring from the woman was the Son of God Himself, Jesus Christ. On the cross, Satan would strike Jesus, but by His powerful resurrection and His conquering of sin, Jesus (the offspring of Eve) would strike the head of Satan.

This is the most beautiful sign of redemption displayed in the life of Eve.

Now, I’m not usually one for biblical art and imagery in worship services, mostly because of the second commandment that says not to make images for worship, but I want to share a piece of art that I just love.

This piece is a crayon & pencil drawing created by Sister Grace Remington of the Our Lady of the Mississippi Abbey. It’s a painting of Eve, who is in shame after her sin, being consoled by Mary the Mother of Jesus. Now, obviously, Eve and Mary were not alive at the same time. However, this piece of art represents how God would bring redemption through two women, Eve and Mary. What Eve broke, God would put back together.

There was redemption for Eve.

To every precious soul in this room, listen to me: there is redemption for you.

Our sins are absolutely devastating, but the redemption of God is incredibly more powerful.

Learn this from Eve: God offers redemption for sinners.

Let this bottom line summarize what we’re learning this morning:

‌Bottom Line: Eve reminds us of God’s goodness in creation and redemption.

God loves us so much that He created humanity in His likeness and loved us. He loved us so much that He gave us the ability to steward and lead the earth as the prize of His creation. He loved us so much that He continued to pursue us, even after we sinned against Him. He loved us so much that offered redemption to us through His Son and the offspring of Eve, Jesus Christ.

The story of Eve also reminds us that God is providentially in control of everything.

Providence means that God is in control, and He is working His wise and powerful plan throughout the world and in His people, for all of eternity.

God had a plan in Creation; God had a plan for Eve, and part of that plan involved the redemption of sinners.

God has a plan for each of us as well. As you remember Eve, remember the providence of God.

‌Weekly Challenge #1 – Think about your role in God’s creation.

Eve had a part to play in God’s plan for this world; so do you.

You were put on this earth to love God, to love others, to proclaim the goodness of God, and to glorify Him in doing so.

What is your role and how are you fulfilling your role?

‌Weekly Challenge #2 – Thank God for His providence in our world.

Aren’t you glad that God has a plan? Aren’t you glad that God is in control?

God brought beauty out of the ugliness of sin. God worked wonders through the life of Eve. He has a plan.

Take some time this week to thank God for His providence. Thank Him that He has a plan, He is in control of that plan, and He is working out His plan.

(Gospel presentation)

(closing prayer)

COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: The text contained in this sermon is solely owned by its author. The reproduction, or distribution of this message, or any portion of it, should include the author’s name. The author intends to provide free resources in order to inspire believers and to assist preachers and teachers in Kingdom work.